Friday, June 29, 2012

Excerpt from the Introduction; Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler

June 29, 2012

Excerpt from the Introduction

Always planning on the next move

Welcome to my blog-Extraordinary Dreams of an Ireland Traveler where dreams do come true! I have selected a small paragraph from my Introduction and another one from Chapter 2. Enjoy the sample of each area.

 This was to be the Granddaddy of them all!  A surprise for the man in my life that had kept me alive when sick, my spirits happy when I wanted to give up and gave my body the strength to fight illness that had strangled the life from us for most of our married life.  So this trip had to be perfect, planned well and I wanted to do it without help.  First looking at tours, then at cheap flights, researching hotels and reading every review ever written and finally getting on every mailing list in this country and overseas that offered anything for travel packages lasting from four days to eight weeks.  By the time I answered each e-mail my day was half over

As I decided I could not keep a secret of such magnitude, my voice was measured and steady, but sounded far calmer than I really felt as I practiced springing my secret on my mother-in-law.  She was not sure I could keep something so enormous from her son as I usually shared most everything with my husband.  But I kept on planning, writing to family and friends thinking they would come along for a giant party to celebrate all the reasons one takes a trip of a lifetime.    BUT... All the advice had been the same in the end - TELL HIM!! 

To order your special signed paperback copy of my book - go to:
To see a youtube trailer go to:
Thank you for following,
Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins


  1. I'm very interested now in what your husband's response was. I can understand the thrill in the surprise, I like to do that for my husband! What fun, please tell me more!

    1. Deirdre, thank you for stopping by and I will tell you more on Friday.
      Many Blessings,

  2. What a tease you are! Now I can't wait to find out if you told your husband ... or not. I'll be watching for your next post.

    1. Sandy, I love to tease. As I told Deirdre, I will tell all on Friday night. Will let you know. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Thank you both for your comments. I will post the answer later this coming week or maybe before if there are more that ask! Thanks for visiting.

  4. That would certainly be difficult to keep secret. Do tell. :)

    1. Hi Linnea,
      It was very hard. Twenty fours together at that time and never kept a secret. I will tell on Friday night! Thanks for dropping in. :)

  5. What a beautiful introduction and what a beautiful backstory for your trip to Ireland! It gives your trip so much meaning and I'm hoping that you told him, so he could share in the excitement and anticipation.

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Thanks for dropping in and your comment. I won't spoil it here but drop back in to find the answer. Our trip was a dream come true. What do you think I did?

  6. Mamie, thank you for visiting Awakenings and leaving comments. I totally agree - We need to spread America across America! BTW Yours is still my Dream Vacation. Just placed it on facebook and tweeted, already pinned. Your book is next on my list. Just finished reading Micki's ...And the Whippoorwill Sang. AWESOME!

  7. I am so happy you stopped in and saw I was in your post. This was our dream vacation and we hope to return in 2013. Would love to take a group with us. Micki's book was such a masterpiece. I hope you enjoy the journey with us to Ireland. Don't forget that I give discounts to all authors and blog followers so contact me directly at when ready.

    Thanks Again,

  8. Well, I. for one, can't wait until Fridy night! Is this the secret from the book or a new one? You are lucky to have a man in your life like Doug and I know you know this. I just finished your book completely night before last and thoroughly enjoyed every page. Rosemary you are an exceptional writer in non-fiction wriitng which they say is harder than fiction. Your writing was so prefessional yet down to earth--something not all non-fiction writers can master. It's a book I'll be paging through more than once!

    Love, Micki

  9. Micki,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my book. It is an honor that you reviewed it and I look forward to reading it soon.
    I also want you to know how much I enjoy your writing and book.
    This secret is from the Ireland book not the new book, although poor Doug keeps learning new secrets a lot more these days!
